martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Learn the comparative

The adjetive has three forms:

*Positive degree

*Comparative degree

*Superlative degree

We use the comparative degree for comparing two things. We will introduce you to the rules of formation of comparatives and superlatives

AS + adjective + AS = TAN + adjetivo + COMO

NEGATIVE: NOT AS + adjective + AS = NO TAN + adjetivo + COMO

According to the ending to the adjetive, the comparative form is:

  1. Ending in -e : Add -er.
  2. .Consonant – Vowel – Consonant : Double the consonant and add -er.
  3. Ending in –y : Change the –y to –i and add –er.
  4. All others : Add -er.
  5. Adjectives with two or more syllables : Use more (or less) before the adjective.